I think this project will go very well. Our campus is small and we often don’t have the luxuries or large instructional design teams to assist or review projects like these. Therefore, our faculty don’t have the benefit of polished academic support modules like this and are left to teach this content themselves in class. Based on the gap analysis of the content included in this module, and the verbal response from our campus’ Faculty Forum, I have strong indicators that this module will be widely implemented across our disciplines. The strongest part of the instructional design is the way the three components work together including the asynchronous Canvas module, activity-based in class seminar, and reflective written piece/survey.
Limitations to this module will include the user’s technology competence in finding the module in the Canvas Commons and importing it into one or more of their courses. As of right now, our Instructional Technology Department is troubleshooting a glitch in the module that doesn’t allow any of the graphics or videos to import from the shared version of the module. The weakest part of this design is getting the students to complete the reflection and developing a mechanism for the reflections to be sent to me as well as the instructor. Another challenge is adapting the timing to each course and possibly course classification to allow students to discover the relevance of the teaching based on their course assignments before asking them to reflect