As an independent learner, I gravitate to online, asynchronous classes where I can fold the learning into my schedule and find applications of the learning in everyday experiences or conversations. The learning challenges inherent through online learning has honed many skills I commonly find on Forbes’ top 10 employer lists and Higher Education’s learning objectives such as adaptability & flexibility, complex decision making, creating, designing, prioritizing. Through many, now controversial, learning style tests I have discovered what my learning preferences are and how they match my personality type: Visual & Reader/Writer (VARK); INTJ (Meyer-Briggs); Dominant/Cautious (DISC). Can I learn other ways? Yes. And I respect others’ methods of learning even if they don’t match my own.
My own theories of learning are expanding into new disciplines such as philosophy and social anthropology since starting the LTEC program in 2020. My previous background is in Psychology (minor in undergrad) and Education working in Higher Education and supplementing my daughter’s education. In designing instruction, I think we should first validate a learner’s experience and evaluate their learning environment internally and externally. Instruction should then follow four steps:
Hands on tinkering first = normalizes insecurity
Reflection to bring forward established knowledge and boost security from past learning
Instruction to expand learning
Application and assessment for validation
Ariely, D., Kamenica, E., & Prelec, D. (2008). Man’s search for meaning: The case of Legos.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 67(3–4), 671–677.
Maslow, A. H. (1958). A Dynamic Theory of Human Motivation. In Understanding human
motivation. (pp. 26–47). Howard Allen Publishers.
Millwood, R. (2014). Learning Theory Map. Holistic Approach to Technology Enhanced
Learning. Retrieved from Theory.cmap